Thursday, November 11, 2021

(#4666) If you want to free up new hiring pass the human infrastructure bill!

      The inflation factor is fueled by not enough workers in the work force. We need to get more people working making things and offering services. That way competition for our products and services will become more competitive and thus lower prices. How do we do that? We pass the human infrastructure bill because it has universal pre kindergarten and day care options. Thus allowing moms and dads to go to work instead of staying home to manage the family during the day. As well there is another option that increases in home services for out elderly physically compromised parents. Pass the human infrastructure bill and the workforce will increase by the millions.
     So all this republican crying about inflation is a by product of their inability to one, control the virus when it first hit our shores and two, their generational intentional lack of care for the problems of working middle poor class families. So them complaining about the effect of their lack of concern is like watching kyle rittenhouse force tears out of his eyes, excruciatingly repugnant! No doubt though the manchinema will cling onto the republican phony narrative of being concerned about inflation. The republican party was never concerned about raising the minimum wage to help workers so why would they be concerned about inflation hurting workers? The republican party is only concerned about keeping power and regaining it. Nothing else!
     So how you do two things at once is get the human infrastructure bill passed and let its effects reenergize our economy and our society while stifling the crybaby noise from the diseased republican party. The current inflation is about to drop back down anyway because a solution to the problems of the supply chain and recognizing the need to shop more particularly is coming about. As the virus is abated further more people will be joining back into the workforce as well so all this hullaballoo over inflation is just the latest strategy republicans are using to divide our nation from fixing our problems and making them more irrelevant if that is even possible anymore.

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