Sunday, November 28, 2021

(#4683) Doing yardwork today

     I need a slight break from bashing manchinema so I am going out to the backyard and weed eat, push mow, ride mow, and then sweep the yard of clippings and leaves. Not sweep with a conventional broom per se... but with a rotating brush that hooks up to my riding lawnmower with a big catch bag on the back. The yard sweep gets about 85% of the leaves up and for that I am very grateful, This is not my brand but the idea is the same. First thing though I need to get out and do the weed eating around the edges that cannot be gotten by the motor powered push mower or the riding mower.
     Then I need to get the push mower out with the catch bag on it so I can get the spots where the riding lawn mower and the sweep on back have a difficult time maneuvering. Once I have the weed eating and the push mowing done then the easy last 2 parts begin. Riding on the riding lawn mower is a bit of a chore as it doesn't have power steering but for the most part, once the weed eating and push mowing has sculpted the lawn on the edges of the yard the pathway is just a long sweeping turns. Finally the sweep of the clippings and leaves from the area that was not already gleaned by the push mower with bag on. this part is a bit more trying as I need to empty the big bag several times by pulling a rope that is attached to the bag. It is a strain to pull but I can do it without help.
     Finally it is filling up the green waste bin of the piles of clippings and leaves and if there is some left I keep a pile out in the very back of the yard for next week. All in all it will be done today and I will be tired as hell like usual. But what I have learned is that taking my time and sitting down several times during the process I am quite able to finish the job and get some good exercise in. Like all of us who are older our backs can only take so much work and that is where I have to be careful. I still work like I am 20 so slowing down helps keep me from overdoing it. I will check later when I am done but for now it is out into the yard and get things going.

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