Friday, November 26, 2021

(#4681) Voting rights protections!

      The single most important piece of legislation that is needed for our future is the salvation of our voting rights. That anyone, including every republican, would oppose the protections to our democracy is unthinkable as a form of logic. When everyone has the direct access to vote then everyone is included as a democracy demands. When one party, the republican party, is all about restricting and denying voting rights then we are in real danger of losing our democracy. Our shared future is defined by how we view the success of our society. That shared view cannot be conveyed if many of us are not allowed to speak through our vote.
     Yes, our vote is our speech, not money, not power, but our vote. It is how we tell our representatives what our will is to be. Those representatives are our voice as well and if we cannot elect our representatives due to gerrymandering, dark money, and every other form of obstruction republicans have devised as a weapon to those who are underserved by them then we are in real danger of losing our democracy. When you hear republicans talk about money being speech and corporations being people then you know that real speech is not their concern nor are real people being people. The republican party has sold its soul to the wealthy and there is no getting it back from the wealthy.
     So the only real option we have is to protect our voting rights through legislation and the ballot box. If the idea that protecting our voting rights does not rise to the level of an archaic senate rule, then we have already lost our democracy. No amount of explaining by those who would deny voting rights protections will ever suffice to explain their treachery and collusion to undermine and destroy our democracy. The choice is clear here and if any free thinking individual who loves democracy cannot see through the republican veil of double crossing and back stabbing then the only thing missing from the republican strategy of power at all costs is the death of those of us who won't allow it!

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