Tuesday, November 2, 2021

(#4657) McAuliffe will prevail in Virginia

      The polls notwithstanding, the democrat Terry McAuliffe will win today's governor's race in Virginia. How do I know this? Simple, republicans are crap and no amount of polishing their turd will get them a majority in this election. The republicans cannot get 50% of the vote no matter how much they finesse the polls. All we democrats have to do is show up at the polls and this could well turn into an easy victory. But I don't expect we democrats will do the easy thing so the race will be tight for the most part but McAuliffe will keep a lead all night long and then end this before tomorrow comes after midnight.
     Of course that is my opinion but I get a sense that our American psyche is still bruised and abused by the trumps and no amount of salve through snake oil salesmen will change that. McAuliffe should not have had to fight this hard to preserve his victory in Virginia but it seems that the media is still real good at protecting it's viewership from advancing the truth about republican politics. The republican party has nothing but talking points that are disingenuous to promote and the media is letting them do it without calling them out. After a while people start to believe the manufactured talking points as real because they are not rebutted every time they appear.
     Sadly, people should be doing their own form of fact checking but all too often people find excuses to offshore their thinking to the loudest voice. If there is one fact about republicans it is that they have no humility and because of that they shout their nonsense so loud that it drowns out rational thought. So our fast food society slurps up the nonsense as if it is real all the while forgetting just how horrible the republican party continues to be. As if denying reality is a benefit. But one thing that has broken through to the masses in Virginia is that the republican party is still lock step with trump and no amount of denying that will get the republicans the votes they need to steal another election through massive disinformation, false claims of fraud, and outright lies.

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