Monday, November 22, 2021

(#4677) We need that voting rights protection bill to combat republican gerrymandering!

      It would seem like a no brainer to most all sensible people that we should have congressional districts that are drawn fairly. Giving our electorate a true representation of how we think and act. But no, the republican party is hell bent on distorting the congressional districts so that they can elect more republicans. The fact that this is their objective should be enough for fair minded souls to make them pay for being manipulative and dishonest. But when it comes to republicans, especially their base, they have no shame in doing whatever they need to do to capture and maintain power.
     Being in power for them is not about helping their constituents, it is about having the power to stop any help that democrats would like to give to the working middle poor class. Plus they get the added bonus of helping the wealthy who fund their power grabbing ways. When you ask republicans what they will do for the working middle poor class they end up condescending about how they know what is best and trying to explain it to us is a bridge too far for our ability to understand. They are a paternal party that thinks they are our daddy and we should just shut up and do what they say, not as they do!
     Many are glad for the fathering because they are so busy in their lives that they just don't care about their democracy or their freedom and liberty within it. Instead they want a safe harbor from that difficult process of having to think for themselves. So all that to get to calling them sheep, herded by the republican dog to a place they don't mind going. But like all things herded, the herder is the only one who is living a life of freedom and liberty, the rest are living a life of illusion. Well we democrats are not sheep to be herded. We are a force unto our own who despite having occasional disagreements with ourselves, have a view toward the future which actually expands freedom and liberty for all.

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