Thursday, November 25, 2021

(#4680) The manchinema must carve out for the filibuster now!

      Enough! these two democrats in the senate had better stop defending a rule that is keeping our democracy from being fixed! Enough! It is bad enough that the republican party is against fixing our democracy it is even worse that they are the ones who are trying to destroy it! Enough! The manchinema ignorance is just too much to bear and although we cannot do anything to force them to vote for a voting rights protection bill, we can make the rest of their lives miserable. Enough of them trying to dictate the policies that President Biden was elected to solve. These are national issues that should not be decided by those who are not the president.
     A full onslaught against the manchinema must begin in earnest in every corner of their lives. Nonstop until they come to realize that we the people are demanding voting rights protections above every thing else. Nothing in existence is more important at this moment. The reason I have to offer is that the republican party is poising itself to regain control of our democracy so that they can continue to dismantle it. If our democracy goes then all of civil society will begin to turn into chaos. If you think that democrats, liberals and progressives, will allow the republican party to steal our elections and then dismantle our democracy then you are dim as the republican party!
     As patriots fought against the British rule over 200 years ago expect the same from we democrats who are not going to give into the lying, cheating, thieves who now occupy the republican party. Democracy is under assault and if the manchinema doesn't help our democratic party, of which they are members, then they will have shown which side they stand on when the chaos of stolen elections come. It is on them to stop the looming chaos and if they choose to do so they will be heralded as part of the great democratic party that thwarted the traitorous intent of the republican party. If not then the shame of manchinema will be just the beginning of their self created worries.

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