Friday, November 19, 2021

(#4674) The CBO score is in and the human infrastructure bill is ready to be passed in the House

      Yesterday afternoon the much anticipated CBO score on the human infrastructure bill was reported and was a well satisfying score for Democrats. It means that those hesitant moderate Democrats in the House were relieved and ready to back the Build Back Better bill. Last night the strategy was for the voting to take place but the minority republican speaker decided that he needed to vent about everything under the sun, which those who have no good and correct argument about the underlying bill are prone to do. So instead of having votes last evening we were subjected to his rambling incoherent discourse of much ado about nothing.
     So here we are this morning picking back up where we were before mccarthy decided to delay and deflect from this bill moving forward. Now, at this very moment the House is voting to deny a recommitment amendment that was offered by republicans in order to delay again and the next vote immediately following this current one will be the vote to pass the human infrastructure bill. Nothing is left in the bag of rotten tricks for the republican party to use to delay this inevitability. The House will pass this legislation within the next hour and then the bill will head to the Senate for it's consideration.
     In short order the House will have done it's job and then the Senate will have its turn to either pass the bill as is and then send it to President Biden or the Senate will make some changes to the bill and if they do the bill goes back to the House for a concurring vote. All of this should get done before December 25th and be signed into law at that time. The historic nature of this bill is astounding and all young families should be delighted. Their future will automatically improve and as well the health and viability of our planet will start to improve. I am excited for this bill and in conjunction with the hard infrastructure law will create a new imagining for our citizenry going forward. Now let's get the voting protection bills signed into law in however process is necessary!

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