Wednesday, November 17, 2021

(#4672) America, full of sheep or full of eagles?

      If you had asked me this question when I was young I would definitely have said full of eagles. But now, no, we are not full of eagles we are full of sheep. Just look at how well a treasonous traitorous republican party is doing and you can see why I see more sheep than eagles. I don't know what happened to my generation and those who came up after me but it isn't good. I suppose I can link it all the way back to the Kennedy assassination and the soon to be nixon years but that is just putting a timeline on it. The cause is more complex to describe. From a booming middle class in the 50's and 60's to the beginning of the end of our middle class with the reagan years.
     Both reagan and nixon were of course republicans which goes a long way in helping to explain the downfall of our once burgeoning middle class. The republicans have for as long as I can remember been attached at the hip of the wealthy and their demands that the middle working class be undercut. So since my early childhood through my teens and then into my mature adulthood I have seen little to nothing of value from republican policies and instead have seen their negative effect on the working middle poor class. Yet there are too many who still vote for them that will never get the benefits of being wealthy.
     So it is considerable that not only can too many of us not see the damage to our lives and the lives of our children but we have also lost the ability to be courageous. You know what I mean correct? That moment in time when you stand up and fight if necessary for values that we hold as ideal, instead of shrinking into the depths of fear and lowering your head when the cruel and hateful come to take the best years of your life away. There are still a lot of courageous people out there but they are the fewer than than the many cowards. If this is how America will respond on whole then the time for our demise won't be if, it will be how soon!

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