Tuesday, November 30, 2021

(#4685) Reaching across the ether

      I caught myself smiling from a post I made earlier on Facebook. It was just a simple thank you for a birthday wish I gave to someone. It hit me that someone from not anywhere near me responded in a kind and upbeat way. What this format of connecting to others from around the world is, is amazing and should be something everyone of us has as a utility. Not an expensive utility but an inexpensive one. The reason is that learning from each other is more a requirement than it is a luxury. Like all utilities that have become essential in our lives being at the ready to know and understand others from all parts of our globe is necessary.
     I know that costs to supply the infrastructure for an internet that connects us to each other across borders, languages, and cultures is real and substantial but not to do so would set us back into a place where we are not evolving nor moving toward our manifest destiny. Fortunately the just passed infrastructure law will begin to alleviate our incomplete internet connections. We must also have the equipment to utilize the broadband that is coming. These are all tools like a pencil was necessary when I was at school and a calculator was needed for advanced math/algebra/geometry/trigonometry/calculus learning. Laptop computers and smart phones are not a luxury for the wealthy, they are a necessity for even the poor.
     The more of us who can participate in the genius of learning to create and innovate the better it is for our societies and governments. Our human species needs all of us to get to where we need to be but we have to begin with having what is necessary to start the learning process. This is where the intelligent design of tools for that purpose need to be readily devised and available. Laptop computers, tablets, smart phones should not be only capitalized for profit, they need to be easily available for schools and home studies. Nurturing our minds will help all of us not just some of us. When we all participate in the amazing process of life then who knows who will be the next critical person(s) who will keep the enlightened system of society on a positive upward and outward trajectory.

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