Sunday, November 21, 2021

(#4676) Make Manchin and Sinema actually vote no on voting rights protections

      I keep hearing that Manchin and Sinema will not do away with the filibuster to pass voting rights protections. Well I am sick and tired of hearing them say they won't do something without making them prove that they won't do it. We have nothing to lose because if they don't do it then they have only kept their word. But if they do vote for a carve out for voting rights protections then we have moved them from their no. We have nothing to lose by forcing them to vote when they have been lucky so far just to get away with saying so. It needs to be on record as an albatross around their necks. Once they actually have to cast a vote that will effectively allow or not allow republicans to deny voting rights to millions of citizens then we will know.
     Words are just words but deeds are actions that are definable as factual reality. I suspect that being a person who would vote to keep millions from voting is not going to sit well with most all Americans. I know this much, if they do vote no on a voting rights protection bill then neither of them will ever see public office again and will be like little killer boy in Wisconsin, a plague on society for the rest of their lives. Who would want to vote in a way that would tarnish and destroy their own reputation and future? This would also affect those who are related to them and those who have been their close friends. I cannot see how Manchin and Sinema would vote no when they are up against a monumental choice.
     That is just me but if I was a betting man I would think that voting to preserve voting rights protections would be a higher calling than voting to deny voting rights protections. If it does come to this then at least make the Manchin and Sinema prove their disloyalty to democracy. Because they cannot have it both ways just by saying what they would do without making them prove it. There is no sense in not forcing them to record their vote for all time when they are already trying to tank the most basic foundational aspect of democracy. This is not hyperbole or an embellishment. This is factual and making Manchin and Sinema prove that they are against democracy is what we must do.

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