Friday, October 8, 2021

(#4632) With all the noise we cannot forget voting rights protections!

      The republican manufactured debt ceiling fiasco is about to end this morning. The House will gavel in shortly to pass the temporary debt ceiling extension passed last evening in the Senate and then send it to President Biden for his signature. What this last week and several days of this nervous grinding has done is take the focus off the voting rights protections legislation that should be front and center. I know we still have the infrastructure bills to pass after new negotiations in the Senate but nothing on the calendar for this year is as important as voting protection rights. That being because if we don't protect the right to vote, our democracy will be hijacked by the despicable republican party for their own devices.
     It won't matter what legislation is passed if in 2022, the republicans control the House and Senate. They will find a way to muck up the spending and oversight of any well meaning legislation. As well they will tie up any new progress on any front of the Biden administration for the rest of his 4 year term. So this little reminder, that voting rights protections need to be at the forefront of our agenda, is necessary. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema must be made to understand that the filibuster will be adjusted for any number of reasons if the republican party wins the 2024 presidential race. So their vain attempts to protect it now while it hurts our democracy is the ultimate example of naivete.
     Joe Manchin likes to say that his philosophy is one of conservatism. Well I am struggling to understand why he is in the democratic party. The idea that he thinks that his brand of conservatism should rule over the liberal progressive nature of our democratic party is treasonous in itself. Not to mention that he is not the president of the United States, Joe Biden is and this is Joe Biden's agenda. So if Joe Manchin continues to thwart and obstruct Joe Biden's agenda then he should be at least stripped of his committee chairmanships. There is no time for going it alone when everyone is needed to pass legislation. Joe Manchin is mature enough to understand this and needs to stop his ego driven blindness and get with the rest of his caucus and pass the Biden agenda. Same with the abstract Sinema.

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