Thursday, October 21, 2021

(#4645) Keep pressure on Manchin and Sinema to carve out voting rights from filibuster rule

      The idea that a carve out for voting rights protections is controversial in the democratic party is mind baffling. Not so much most of the democratic senate caucus but for the two, Manchin and Sinema. How can they not understand the significance of passing legislation that will help Americans all over our country and as well insure that we democrats get a shot at keeping our majorities? This is one of the most simple no brainers that will ever come down the legislative pike. Yet both Manchin and Sinema are playing at not understanding how vital the voting rights protection bills are.
     I cannot fathom their thinking other than to suggest that they made promises to their republican colleagues that they are trying to keep. If so, then their promises to republicans to not get in their way to obstruct and deny voting rights to American citizens is akin to treason to democracy. If Manchin and Sinema do not allow for a passage vote through a carve out for voting protection rights then they are branding themselves as despicable and traitors. I don't care how else they look at it the bottom line is the effect we conclude from and if the bottom line is no filibuster carve out for the voting protection bills then Manchin and Sinema will both wear the stench of a dead albatross around their necks!
     If they think that there will be no repercussion from their dereliction of duty to our constitution then they are not playing with a full deck of cards. These type of grave harms are not easily forgotten nor ignored. The penalties will play out much larger than they think is possible and for that others will be caught up in their lack of fidelity to our national constitution. Manchin and Sinema had better hope that they find their logic before the clock runs out on us who are counting on them. If they do they will not only save our democracy from the treasonous republicans but they will also salvage their own reputations that will be irreparably harmed if they don't.

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