Wednesday, October 13, 2021

(#4637) Manchin and Sinema need to take one for the team!

      Manchin, in a deep red state, more so is in jeopardy for doing the correct thing and being maybe punished for it. Sinema not so much since her state is already purple and trending toward blue. So the excuse that their states are holding them back from voting on great transformative legislation is phony. Even if Manchin is punished for voting for this upcoming legislation he will be doing the correct thing and will be held in high esteem by those who can extend his career into other fields. For him to stop all progress on a national bill designed to bring the working middle poor class out from under poverty is ludicrous because he thinks his state would be mad at him.
     Sinema the enigma is less clear on her objections. For me she is in a pattern of wanting to tank the human infrastructure bill without having to admit it by being quiet about what she wants differently than what the bill is asking. Her strategy of silence will only confirm to the rest of us that she has no intention of voting for any human infrastructure bill. I understand that she is negotiating possibly with a few but that hasn't been confirmed with any degree of believability to me. That she isn't transparent about her concerns or lack thereof is just one more clue that she is more in line with stopping legislation like her new found friendly republican colleagues.
     I have tried to give both Manchin and Sinema the benefit of the doubt as to their authenticity as being in line with their democratic colleagues but not even I can stay naive to what they are doing in real time. Which is sabotaging the human infrastructure bill while clamoring for the hard infrastructure bill to be passed. Well they are about to learn that Sanders and Jayapal are not going to lay down and let them steam roll their desire to sabotage the human infrastructure bill. Both Sanders in the senate and Jayapal in house are determined to hold Manchin and Sinema to their promise of having both bills ready for a Joe Biden signature. Otherwise both bills will end up on the trash heap!

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