Saturday, October 2, 2021

(#4626) Feeling better about the infrastructure bills becoming laws.

      Yesterday was a bit of an anxiety ridden day with the infrastructure bills. but when President Biden came out of the democratic caucus meeting the hope that came with him and democratic members was visible. There was no rancor nor upsetting interviews, just a full spectrum of togetherness and willingness to get Joe Biden's agenda passed. Joe made the strategic decision to remind all democrats that both of these infrastructure bills were written by him and he wanted them both to succeed. That message seemed to resonate well and the leaders of the sub caucuses in the House democratic party found their allegiance to that message. If the republicans had hoped for a feuding democratic party over these two infrastructure bills they were sorely disappointed.
     If anything now our democratic party is more determined than ever to make sure that these two bills become law. There is work to do on them and that may even include some preliminary work on the tax code but do not be confused. These two bills will pass once everyone has their say as to what changes to the human infrastructure bill can become included. It won't be 3.5 trillion but nonetheless closer to 2 trillion is still doable. Like I floated yesterday, doing the human infrastructure bill for 5 years instead of 10 would cut the bill in approximately half and that may be how this current impasse gets resolved. I only use the word impasse as a generic term as the differing sides of the human infrastructure bill all want this bill to pass.
     The self imposed deadline Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi put on the vote for the hard infrastructure bill seemed to work as a catalyst to get negotiations going full throttle. Which was what was needed to get more momentum for the human infrastructure bill. Now both bills are back to being somewhat linked as they should always have been. If a human infrastructure bill is crafted in the next day or weeks is not a problem as long as the work on it gets done reasonably soon so that both can become law and get into effect quickly. Both are needed and in tandem both will positively revolutionize how our society and our democracy functions.

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