Saturday, October 9, 2021

(#4633) The debt ceiling extension will be taken up in the House on Tuesday

      I had thought that the House would come back into session to sign this important piece of legislation but they deem that coming back this coming Tuesday in their scheduled return would workout okay. I have no problem with that but only with the delay. I will get over it. :) The sooner it is signed into law by President Biden the sooner we get back to infrastructure and voting rights. The annual budget is coming up as well plus the debt ceiling extension expiration so there is still much that needs to be accomplished despite the voting rights protection deliberations. We cannot let the many things that need to be done be an excuse not to address and solve the republican attack on our fundamental right of voting.
     Yet the republican party is determined to keep us distracted from even thinking about protecting voting rights since obstructing and denying voters their right to vote is their election strategy for the future. Think about that for a moment. The republican party hates us so much that instead of trying to appeal to our wants and needs they are trying to win elections by thwarting democratic processes. If you vote for a republican you are in essence giving them your rock hard approval that democracy is not a value in your life. You are fueling their agenda and propping up their theft of our American democratic processes as a virtue.
     What kind of person would deny reality so much so that they can delude themselves into thinking they are doing all of us a favor by initiating an authoritarian coup? What kind of person is so devoid of the ability to recognize when they are being played when there is evidence of it at every turn in their lives? What kind of person thinks they are on a God's side and then deny people basic necessities and turn away from their angst and suffering? How incredibly hollow does one have to be to let the wealthy take more and deny anything to the working middle poor class? If you have no answer to these questions other than "not my problem" then you are certainly a person who has no redeeming value!

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