Monday, October 11, 2021

(#4635) Sinema is killing us

      She started out as a progressive but as of now I think of her as a conservative. If you watch C-span2 all the time when the Senate is in session what you will see is Sinema congregating with the republicans far more than with democrats. She hasn't switched parties but she sure does seem to like her republican colleagues much more than she does her democratic ones. To her it is a dance and she is trying to be the most popular girl there. Most all the democrats are busy trying to do serious work while the republicans are just stringing Sinema along and she can't see it. I expect the jokes behind her back, coming from republicans, are many as they use her to thwart Joe Biden's agenda.
     The sad thing is that we democrats have this amazing opportunity to get some real important legislation turned into law and we cannot with the likes of Sinema and Manchin. Sinema though is the real problem. Manchin will at least negotiate to get to a place where legislation can pass but Sinema is an enigma. She won't cooperate with her democratic caucus to get work done. Instead she flits around trying to keep the illusion of republicans liking her alive. They don't like her, but are willing to fake it to make sure democrats don't get important legislation done. It is really sad to watch.
     I hope in the end that Sinema catches some of the laughter at her from republicans so she can finally conclude that she is being used by them. I don't know any other way for this spell she has allowed on herself to be broken. I fear there is a mental health issue with her that has long been unaddressed. That she puts more effort into being a social butterfly than she does into serving the constituents of her state is a clue and should be a warning sign to all that she is not ready to be a good public servant. In the meantime the rest of us are resigned to the possibility that she will never negotiate in good faith with democrats and has already decided that her new friends the republicans are her only lighthouse in this current political storm.

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