Saturday, July 31, 2021

(#4564) Schumer is moving the senate quickly

      The bipartisan infrastructure bill is getting full attention in the senate this morning and that is good. Get it to the point where it gets an up and down vote is the goal as well as getting the partisan bill to the same place. I know this morning that the moratorium on rental evictions is up tonight and there seems to be no immediate fix. The republican party once again being the obstacle to getting relief to people who are about to get thrown out of their homes. I see these comments about how democrats are not serving the American people yet left out of that is the zero help republicans offer.
     We democrats are good but come on man, we can only do what we can do and when republicans are still in effect part of deciding what we democrats do the options become much more limited. So again, the next time I hear about how bad we democrats are at solving immediate problems I am going to come down on the commenter like a ton of bricks about how they cannot seem to recognize the obstruction and no help from republicans. Just because it is a given that republicans refuse to help the America working middle poor class does not give them any dispensation from the cause and effect of things.
     We will never get republicans out of the way until we learn to blame those who are truly at fault for our nations woes. By far the worst political party ever to have been given the keys to power is the current republican party. Their only goal in life is to obstruct and destroy any good that we democrats may be able to put forward for the American people. I blame the media for playing as if both sides are on an equal footing with democracy but the that is not the truth. The media cannot seem to grasp that the republican party does not want democracy for our nation, they want an autocracy where the wealthy and powerful are in control, not the will of the people!

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