Friday, July 9, 2021

(#4542) If your first instinct is to help the vulnerable then your soul is well.

     Always, and I mean always trust your instincts if they are formed in good intent. I have found that my instincts or gut feelings have been the better part of what makes me, me. I suppose and not so lightly, that it is because I am a good person who wants to do good. Not a good person who doesn't care about doing good but a good person who actually wants and does good. Big difference. I see lots of people who think they are good just because they think they are good but rarely provide evidence of that. I guess if you want to live in your own dream world where you get to define what good and other things are then that is your right except when it intersects with those of us who hold reality dearly.
     If your first instinct is to not help the vulnerable then your life is one which has little or no empathy to it. Putting yourself first while pretending to care is more psychological disorder than it is being a normal human being. Putting yourself first and then not even trying to pretend you care is a more serious malady and I would suggest, like those who do pretend, that you both seek help of a professional nature. But if you are one who does care as a first instinct for the vulnerable then your basic wiring is good and an example of what it is to be a logical and emotional human being.
     There is no doubt that we as a species need all our abilities to be able to evolve and continue to master our surroundings. From thinking in creative and innovative ways to finding our sense of belonging in the fraternity of humanity. The complexity we humans have come to be gifted with is nothing short of miraculous. Yet if we do not take these gifts and make them into living breathing actions we will no longer be worthy of our own exalted presuppositions about ourselves. If we cannot instill within ourselves the duty of care for each other and the other species' that inhabit this sphere with us then our manifest destiny to master the universe, let alone the planet, is a vain attempt at nothing but foolery.

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