Sunday, July 11, 2021

(#4544) Aerospace and spaceports

      As the end of my time on Earth closes in the reality of traveling into space is becoming the new reality. It is still early days in being able to use space for more than just visiting and studying but the beginning is here for a new chapter in our exploration of space. When I was just a teenager our country landed on the moon and since then little has been done to do more or make it a more available feature of our everyday lives. But now as I am in my middle sixties I see us actually realizing that the next frontier of space is where most of us are focused.
     Our planet has yet to be fully explored and understood but the need to travel beyond it is understood in ways now that cannot be stifled. My motto is to do many things all at the same time so as not to delay or obstruct our natural curiosities. We can multitask with earthly understandings while exploring space given what our technologies will allow us. Like the juggler who can easily keep many balls in the air while having control of them we too can advance into our future while juggling many opportunities. Outer space is our next manifest destiny and although it is a harsh environment we humans are not afraid to conquer those harsh environmental realities.
     I know that there is a real dilemma in our societies about what we as a species should do but one thing for sure is that we humans keep evolving into our innovations and what they allow us to do. No one or group of people will ever deny our natural instinct to be curious. Our curiosity has already taken us to Mars, albeit through robotics not human interaction. Yet that robotics was a necessity to become relevant when we humans knew we couldn't go in person, yet. We innovate and create our opportunities because that is what our species does. We are an amazing species and not even the universe will be able to contain us given our possible mastery over time and space as we continue to evolve.

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