Friday, July 16, 2021

(#4549) Democracy versus autocratic corporatocracy

      There is no more two party system under our American democracy. There are the democrats who are working towards democratic ideals and principles and there are republicans who are trying to destroy democracy and replace it with an autocratic corporatocracy. Now you may say that I am embellishing the differences but I will say back, look at evidence. Democrats are working to include all eligible American citizens into our society while republicans are trying to exclude as many of the democratic voting eligible citizens from the voting rolls. Democrats are trying to balance our society so that all may pursue happiness without obstructions while republicans are trying to imbalance our society to favor the wealthy.
     That by itself should be enough evidence but there is more. The republican party has not passed a law to help the working middle poor class in many decades that didn't have some tie to helping the already comfortable wealthy class even more. From large tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations to deregulating industries so that the wealthy have less responsibility to our society and planet for their greed. When republicans say that they are for strict constitutional interpretation and liberty, what they are really saying is that they want no more social security, medicare/medicaid, no more unemployment insurance, no minimum wage, and no laws that equal out our society in equitable ways, where slaves are 3/5's human.
     So when republicans say they want smaller government, strict constitutionalism, and liberty they are saying that the wealthy deserve it all and those who are not wealthy can go suck eggs in a closet or work in the fields for a pittance. The republican party has been transformed into the process by which democracy is eliminated and from the republican party there will grow a white superiority party that resembles the nazi regime. Where persons of color are devalued and persons of wealth are elevated. An autocratic corporatocracy that is led by someone like trump who is the catalyst for all that is happening now. To be anyone associated with republicanism today is to mark oneself as a racist anti democratic follower.

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