Sunday, July 25, 2021

(#4558) Living the lie, the republican party

      During republican control of Congress they spent like there was no tomorrow without worrying about how to pay for anything in order to unnecessarily help the wealthy. Yet now that democrats control Congress republicans are whining about the cost of everything. They, republicans are never going to be about the American people they are always going to be about the American wealthy. There is no other conclusion to draw from any logical standpoint. Yet republicans are never going to let logic stand in their way of their greedy agenda. Instead they will lie, misinform, and deflect when the facts of their agenda is exposed.
     But you say how can they do that and not piss off all Americans? I have the same question but it seems that those who support republicans are able to disassociate from reality just like their republican political leaders. I got a lesson in this 2 decades ago when I thought the obvious harm republicans were doing would come back to bite them but instead it did nothing of the sort. So enough of hoping the American electorate will hold republicans accountable and we see it today in how republicans publicly flaunt science and physics while still holding large swaths of supporters.
     Surely there are more of us who want to hold republicans accountable but the republican party knows this which is why they are enacting nearly 400 voter suppression laws around the country. Because you know if you cannot win their hearts and minds with your policies then the next step in keeping power is to lie your ass off about your faults and then suppress voters that would most likely vote against you. This is all happening in the bright light of day yet still the republican base is as loyal to republicans as ever. So enacting a federal voter protection rights bill quickly will solve much of the ability of the republicans to manipulate another election cycle.

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