Tuesday, July 27, 2021

(#4560) A day of reckoning

      The attack on our Congress on January 6th 2021 is about to get a full airing by a select committee from the House of Representatives. We have this committee because democrats offered and independent committee made up of equal numbers of democrats and republicans but republicans refused to join. So what is left is for we House democrats to soldier on with our own committee that as well was not well received by the republican party. We democrats could have had an all democratic committee but instead we chose to add a couple of republicans who have shown that they are more concerned about preserving our democracy than keeping power for their current political party.
     It is a sad day for many to have to relive the events of that day but it is like all things that is a danger to our lives, it needs to be understood. The republican party by not wanting the facts and truths of that day to be known are showing that they may well be responsible on many levels for what happened. Not only then lame duck appointed president trump but his acolytes in the House and Senate. With full subpoena power the facts will come out and the evidence will be discovered. Let any and all who are not willing to tell the committee the truth be exposed as supporting and encouraging an overthrow of our government.
     Today begins the story of how America went from a stable democratic nation to an almost authoritarian one. After 244 years of democracy in America the moment it almost ended was on that 6th day in January when a trump rally near the White House was fueled and guided to the halls of Congress where the transfer of power was being held. The appointed president who had lost the presidency 2 months before incited his rally goers to take back our country and go to Congress with strength, not weakness. The many of his acolytes in Congress who were actively there to support the insurrection and have as yet to be held to account will get their infamous time in limelight as well.

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