Sunday, July 18, 2021

(#4551) Time to make Joe Manchin own his no vote for a voting rights filibuster carve out

      Joe Manchin keeps saying that he is against a voting rights filibuster carve out. It is time for him to own that! The American people are clamoring for a voting rights bill that levels the field for all voters to engage in our democracy. Joe Manchin says protecting what is left of the filibuster rule in the senate is more important. This is a lot of Washington politics that doesn't easily filter down to our voting electorate. So we the American people need our senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer, to put up a piece of legislation that would carve out a section of the current diminished filibuster rule to make an exception for voting rights.
     We already have filibuster carve outs for judicial nominations, budget considerations, military base closures, trade agreements, preventing arms sales and executive branch regulations, So if protecting voting rights is not at least as important as these issues then we are not the democracy we think we are. So putting up a bill that would carve out of the filibuster voting rights legislation that protects the right to vote for all eligible citizens is congruent with the other carve outs if not more so. Think about it. If we cannot protect our voting rights and they are diminished what good do all the other carve outs from the filibuster do to enhance our democracy?
     So Chuck Schumer must put forward a bill that carves out of the filibuster a voting rights protection section so that all senators can go on record to record their votes. Most all democrats at this point will vote yes while Manchin has said in the past that he would vote no. Well time for him to cast that no vote so that all of America can see that he is the one who is keeping America from protecting voting rights. No republican will vote for protecting voting rights and that is their eternal shame. But we democracts, who only need 50 votes to establish a voting rights carve out, must all vote yes to make it happen. Forcing Joe Manchin to actually vote no will make him consider long and hard about his vote and if he does vote no then there is no doubt as to who in our democratic party is to blame for millions of Americans losing their right to vote in 2022 and beyond.

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