Thursday, July 8, 2021

(#4541) Any senator who is against statehood for D.C. is also for taxation without representation, period!

      Our nation is the bedrock for rising up against a foreign King to depose his authority because the citizens of America were being taxed without representation. Let that sink in for a minute. Taxation without representation led to the great nation of America becoming independent from colonial rule. So today, the reality that taxation without representation is actually occurring in America is bald faced right in our face with the District of Columbia. Now with over 700 thousand citizens, more population that 2 existing states, Wyoming and Vermont,, D.C. is not being allowed to have federal representation for it's citizens. 
     How can this be you may ask? Well let me say that it is a disgrace to our legacy as a freedom loving nation who built it's foundation on representation through democracy. The politics of this is that since D.C. is a heavily democratic voting jurisdiction the republican party does not want D.C. to have federal representation since the House seat and 2 Senate seats would most likely be democratic held. If you have not been paying attention this goes against the republican agenda of seeking power without earning it through the will of the people. So D.C. statehood languishes because republicans are like the British monarch on this subject of taxation without representation.
     Well in 1776 we crafted a Declaration of Independence, fought a war and then fulfilled that declaration in 1787 by signing our national constitution. The idea that we would be fighting a war within our own political parties to accept the values that our founders deemed absolutely necessary is the reality we are currently facing. To say that the republican party is against the values of our forefathers/mothers is obvious. But even more so the idea that republicans are steadfast in their protection of taxation without representation is akin to the anti American colonialism that was defeated centuries ago through determination, blood, and treasure. It cannot and will not be allowed to continue!

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