Thursday, July 1, 2021

(#4534) We democrats are the exciting future we have been waiting for

      I am actually smiling this morning. Not because the republican party is such a piece of shit party but because we democrats are focused on bringing our society into enlightenment. Enlightenment is the state of being knowledgeable and understanding. Which is a natural progression of our evolution into what we will become as time moves forward. We humans are an evolving species and any look back at recorded history verifies that. We are not a traditional static species, on the contrary, we are adaptable to information, truth, and facts as any other species who has survival as one of its basic instincts. Thus our need to become as enlightened as possible.
     The old paradigms of tradition and antiquated thinking are still enveloping us to this day and as we move beyond this day we are in position, because of democrats, to reimagine our future with the goal of repurposing our society to reflect our human qualities, not our privileges and advantages. The optimism to change what has been a society that had little to do with our core natures of compassion, curiosity, and survival and more to do with power and control is building. The reason for it is that as a society we have become aware of how our current society does less for our natures and more for the avarice of a few.
     With that ability to now know more than we had previously been able to, given technology and innovation, the truth and facts of things, through logic, are inescapable. So the understanding of the bottom half of our society to realize is occurring. Such that as we democrats have been given this once in a lifetime opportunity to do something about it shows that a new day for changing the old paradigms into new and refreshing possibilities is upon us. At this very moment in time and space the ability to shine the light on most all that is occurring is allowing us to make the choices we need to move past the obstructions of past and onto new fertile ground from which to grow.

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