Friday, July 2, 2021

(#4535) Branson, Musk, and Bezos

      All three of these billionaires want to go to space with Branson and Bezos ready to go to outer space in the next 2 weeks. Musk is still yet to confirm a firm launch window for himself but has said that 2023 is a likely time for him to go. The point being here is that all 3 of these western billionaires are expressing the human spirit of pushing the envelope of their existence. Such that most all of us would as well given we having their resources to manipulate. Despite the political arguments about money and resources, these men are exemplifying the human spirit to conquer beyond their own limitations. Our human species has always had this quality.
     The concept is akin to an evolutionary quotient. We humans were not physically adaptable to flying yet we are moving out into space with our technology. The mind of the human being is an imaginative one in many ways. If we think about how anything can be done we are able to apply ourselves to make it happen if our luck, logic, and perseverance holds out. It may seem a simple thing to see these 3 billionaires attempt to defy their own personal limitations as all of us do that in some way in our lives. Yet to go to space is beyond what most of us will do in our lifetimes so marking the moments that it occurs does one thing in particular, it proves our manifest destiny to evolve beyond our current status.
     This is how we exist as a species. We move from one plateau in life to another higher one. We won't ever get to the top but we don't let that stop us from moving forward and upward. Which is why I am constantly saying that we are not what we were in the past. We are a reflection of it but we are so much more now that time has moved forward. Our lives are not static. The one thing you can count on that is always true is that we are in a constant state of change. So holding onto a past that may seem like a safe harbor is nothing more than trying to capture the wind. It is fleeting and unreal. It doesn't exist in that same old form that too many of us want it too.

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