Thursday, July 22, 2021

(#4555) An honest investigative committee

      The gift that keeps on giving, kevin mccarthy, made sure that the select committee of the House will remain impartial and sober. By withdrawing all his poison picks to be on the January 6th committee we can now rest assured that the Nancy Pelosi picks for the commission will be able to move forward without the antics of the proxy trump picks on the committee. That mccarthy thought he was making political hay out of thin air is indicative of his usual practice. Assume he has something when all he has is thin air. He had picked 5 republican congressmen, all white men, to be on the committee. Yet Nancy Pelosi had veto power over his picks and used that veto power on two of them. So instead of trying to add two different ones he just dissolved his five choices and left.
     Which for me is the best outcome to happen. Because now there will be no internal sabotage of the committee by the trump loyalists who could have been on the committee. Plus there is no one on the committee to keep the trumps informed as to how the work product is progressing. Which is the best outcome as keeping the trumps out of the loop is critical so as they cannot prepare their lies in advance. What also may happen but I am less likely to think so is that Pelosi could appoint a few more moderate republicans to the committee to give it an even more bipartisan feel. But at this point I think the committee members are set.
     Next Tuesday is the first day the committee meets and all news organizations, except the highly partisan republican outlets will be airing the action pretty much wall to wall. So now with the committee being in the limelight and no disreputable republican sitting on the committee we are sure to get a logical back and forth that actually brings facts to the fore without the obstruction and narrative change that trumps would have liked. The only republican for now on the committee is Liz Cheney, who has no respect nor loyalty to trump and she is about as angry at him and his acolytes in the republican party as the rest of we democrats. I am looking forward to next Tuesday and all the days following.

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