Wednesday, December 11, 2024

(#5792) Stand by values, or lay down and quit!

      The time for voting for personalities was never here. Yet it seems that too many believe it was last month. What values do the new president elect instill as important? Segregation, emigration, inequality, unfairness and injustice. Tell me and take your time, am I wrong here? He wants to separate us on so many levels that it is difficult to find a paradigm where he doesn't except maybe in donating to his personal coffers. He wants the hard working migrant community who has been coming north of the border for centuries to work the fields and provide food, shelter, and clothing to our society and their families to return south and never again come across our borders.
     He wants the men of the America and let me be more specific, the white men of our country, to have greater opportunities and rights than the other men who are not white. He wants the women, and he means all women, to have fewer rights than men. His idea of a woman is not one of equality but of servitude to men. Women, to the president elect, are more aligned with property and commerce than equal partners in life. He wants to be like a king, who may break any law he wishes while not allowing others the same privilege he demands for himself. If justice does exist in his reality it is only for him under his definition. He is devoid of truths and facts when they aim at his pride and behavior.
     My values and the lack thereof within trump are two polar concepts. When dignity and respect are present trump is nowhere to be found. When injustice and inequality is present trump is standing atop the wreckage of that pile. Where humility and honor are flowing like the breeze on a summer's day, trump is shaking his fist in the dark cursing the very concept of any idol greater than he. What compassion and curiosity exist in our world is degraded and spat upon by trump as foolish and irrelevant. My values started out from wanting to be a hero type; trump values came from stealing into his father's wallet and not getting caught.

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