Tuesday, December 24, 2024

(#5805) Why do republicans want to make existence worse?

      I don't get it and I don't get why too many vote for the republican agenda of making life harder for everyone but the wealthy? I seriously do not get it! Yet that is out of my control. Each and everyone of us needs to explain to ourselves what it is about existence that makes us want to hurt others who are not otherwise hurting us. When powerful people like muskrat say things that change existing policies that actually help people because he thinks they shouldn't be helped, you have to wonder what kind of person would do that? His philosophy is that suffering is good and aid is bad. He would never make a good medic on the battlefield. Life is much like a battlefield so muskrat to me is illogical, and irrational.
     In case you are wondering, there are few things in life I can do to show my utter disdain for real life people and not capitalizing their names and/or changing their names into some kind of derogation is about that limit, for now. Anyway, making people suffer because they somehow don't deserve to not suffer is as callous and inhumane a personal trait to have as there is short of being a full on psycho/sociopath. How these shells of human beings, like trump and muskrat, can muster followers is an indictment on just where our current American society is intellectually and ethically. We let the worst of who we are guide us while dismissing the best of who we are as something lesser.
     History will eventually describe this particular time with some form of incomprehension. How a society that had been an intellectually evolving one could suddenly reverse itself in favor of hatred and prejudice is beyond me. I expect it is the hard work of respect and care that has come into disfavor even though each and everyone of us demands that from everyone else. The old selfish proposition of "do as I say and not as I do" comes to mind. An arrogance of boorish behavior does not belie its ignorance. Instead it enhances it. My conclusion anyway.

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