Tuesday, December 31, 2024

(#5812) Last post of the year 2024

      I would have liked to give another type of sum up of this year but I will take what we had. Very disappointed in my fellow Americans for being duped by a conman but there are still enough of my fellow Americans to be proud of. More than anything is my hope for our world being on a good footing with how democracy came to the defense of Ukraine against tyrants of Russia and North Korea. Regardless of how trump forces American aid away from Ukraine the European Union and NATO are still very much behind the Ukrainian defense. No one likes a tyrant so putin and un will still have a struggle despite the new isolation strategy of America toward Ukraine with trump expectedly stopping support.
     As to American policies at home I expect life to get harder for the working middle poor class while life gets even easier for the wealthy. It is what is coming and for us to expect anything else is just wishful thinking. The most I hope for is as much obstruction to republican legislation as possible. The republicans will only have a two year window if common sense is ever going to return to America. Even with a faltering education system, the idea that common sense is also faltering does not bode well for a reversal from trump and his republican followers. Yet the pain the working middle poor class will start to feel may well be enough to counteract the loss in intelligence.
     As for myself I have been through this before and although this may well be much worse it won't catch me by surprise. I will self care to the point of keeping myself emotionally and physically evened out. This blog is entitled man of hope so expect me to endure despite the obstacles. So should we all who are like minded about living in an existence that wants all humans to have the basics to survive with and the work ethic/merit/talent to attain more. This isn't that difficult to achieve if we can only get past those who desire power and lust beyond the normalcy of human need. It would also help if our civilization stressed education above entertainment.

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