Saturday, December 28, 2024

(#5809) Buzzkill republicans

      I like being happy about life. I don't think that is being unreasonable. Yet we have a political party in republicans who seem to want some form of unhappiness as a majority of our experiences. I get that they have trouble with imperfect forms of democracy but instead of trying to improve those imperfections the republicans seek to punish those who they deem the root cause of the problem. Of course they never look into the mirror to see their own culpability only the disarray that others are forced to exist in. The republican perspective is flawed but when confronted with it they cry foul and go back to blaming everyone else.
     Here is how I see it. The republican party has been complaining about every real and imagined problem in the Universe so that they can be seen as wise about what we need to do better. The problem has always been with them is that they cannot outline a solution that doesn't involve the whip to the many in the working middle poor class while only offering treats to the wealthy few. Now being a logical person I cannot for the life of me understand how any of that is a solution. Causing pain and suffering is not promoting peace nor happiness. What I do know is that never have a I heard the endgame republicans wish our society to become. I suspect they cannot say because it would complete the loop of their illogical and greedy agenda.
     If republicans were to tell us their goal for our society truly none of the many would be happy about it. Power and control is where republicans want to exist and the rest of us are a threat to that. So tearing us down and decreasing our power is their goal. What is not only shocking but utterly incomprehensible at the same time is that the many of us are incapable of caring or understanding what republicans are about to inflict on us. Much like the frog in the pot slowly heating. We the many are about to be cooked but cannot distinguish the subtle rising of the temperature in the pot to complete the republican task. It isn't too late to jump out of the heating pot but I am not confident we will.

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