Wednesday, December 18, 2024

(#5799) The next four years are not going to be kind

      It isn't rocket science we are talking about here. It is going to be a wonderful time for the psychopaths who are wealthy. They normally don't feel any remorse for their soul crushing actions and now will feel even less as their actions will increase because of trump. Their opportunities to take from the poor and give to themselves will be so great that they may just wet themselves with greed. Joe Biden was able to reverse a lot of the problems trump created from his first shot at the presidency but now those actions by Biden will be dwarfed by the insanity about to happen in about a month.
     The wrecking of progress for equality and human rights is about to begin and the lust for profit will replace it. If the working middle poor class has thought about how bad it is for them now the next few years are going to be devastating. There won't be a savior for us. However there will be a darkness and suffering. The wealthy are about to wrest control of our nation from our democratic values and turn us into an oligarchy with a tyrant at the head. The concepts of free speech and the right to protest will become increasingly difficult to express. The tyrant trump is sensitive and will not allow dissent against him or his policies. He is a vengeful tyrant and vengeance is his default position.
     As a refresher, I tried to bring back into my consciousness the last time trump was in office and the only real memory of a positive nature was the fact that he didn't win a second term. Now that second term is upon us and I can only assume that as bad as the first term was the second term will be much worse. We will see what damage he does to our future as a democracy but I don't like our chances of surviving. There is one silver lining though. If we can survive until the next midterm election we have a chance of electing enough to Congress to stifle his attempts to run roughshod over our constitution. Even then that is no guarantee because he and his wealthy cohorts are not above going outside the bounds of our constitution to change it.

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