Saturday, December 21, 2024

(#5802) Europe must force trump's hand

      I don't see any other way for Ukraine to continue to block Russian aggression against them other than Europe getting even more focused on defeating putin. If Europe can back Ukraine in ways that will negate the loss of help from the USA then Ukraine will be able to force putin to withdraw from Ukraine and even hopefully force the downfall of putin. With trump in charge in about one month the ally Ukraine had with Joe Biden will disappear. The trump regime will demand that Ukraine cede territory to putin in order to get putin to agree with a ceasefire. Essentially rewarding putin for invading Ukraine.
     If Europe can make up a significant armaments loss from the USA to Ukraine then Russia will find that their invasion will continue to fail in ways they surely never imagined. Over 750,000 Russian young men have already died in the territory of Ukraine with more than one million expected by July. The weapons Russia had in reserve before the invasion of Ukraine are now smoldering heaps in the territory of Ukraine. With their stockpiles of war machines severely curtailed Russia needs a ceasefire in order to save face. The Ukrainian military has shown they are the superior fighting force of the two, and Russia, although a much larger population, is being shown to be a much weaker world threat.
     The problem with the new incoming trump administration is that trump himself is beholden to putin in ways many of us can only guess but beholden to putin he is. So unless Europe can find their collective will to stand behind a united Ukraine then the worst of what is human nature will win out against the freedom and liberty of democracy. Europe, through NATO is a considerable force itself but it must find its will to defeat the fascism represented by putin or putin will be even further emboldened to keep planning on moving further into western Europe. Pay me a lot now or pay me with your life later. The choice is clear and without illogic. Europe must take the step of stopping putin now with whatever it takes even if trump's USA is on the sideline.

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