Wednesday, August 3, 2022

(#4931) A great day for democracy yesterday

      The day started off with Nancy Pelosi dismissing threats against her for visiting Taiwan. The threats came from China who sees the island of Taiwan as theirs. they think that since Taiwan is a relatively small island nation that they are vulnerable to being bullied into the Chinese sphere. Well Nancy was having none of that and instead deified the Chinese tyrant with a calm and steady rebuke. She took the trip and had the appointment with the Taiwanese president. Meanwhile China was fuming and caused a bunch of belly aching on their part. But now the trip is done and Nancy is on her way elsewhere. So a big fuck you to xi the bully leader of China. Nice job Nancy, you make us patriots to democracy proud.
     Then the next thing to happen was in the senate. The burn pit toxin bill written to help veterans deal with toxic fumes they were subjected to during their enlistments. the republican party had thrown a fit over another a democratic action that had nothing to do with veterans and the relief they needed. So republicans held the senate bill hostage after only 6 weeks ago overwhelmingly voting for an earlier almost exact version. With Jon Stewart coming out and blasting republicans for making veterans suffer even more to no apparent reason the republicans in the senate last evening decided that getting their asses kicked on this issue wasn't helpful so they voted heavily for the bill last night and now the bill will become law when president Biden signs it.
     So first Nancy stands very tall for democracy, then senate republicans come around on the veterans toxin bill after being humiliated. But what happened last night in Kansas was the icing on the cake. The deep red state of Kansas just voted overwhelmingly to keep the right to abortion instilled in their state constitution. It wasn't even close and the pundits were beside themselves trying to understand how they couldn't see this coming. Of course with pundits hindsight is 20/20 so they did find their footing and realize that the abortion issue is a simmering almost explosive one that is far and away a very prioritized polarizing get the vote out issue. The degree by which this abortion protection vote defeated the abortion restrictors was undeniable. Yes, a great day yesterday.

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