Monday, August 8, 2022

(#4936) putin is all in on destroying Ukraine

      The sooner everyone accepts the fact that putin will never quit trying to destroy Ukraine the sooner we get to the final solution on putin. He will not be stopped diplomatically so what other way can he be stopped? Defeating him on his invasion is the only way to stop him from murdering any more Ukrainian soldiers and civilians. So what do we do? In the past when the question was too difficult to answer we quit and let things play out. Like quitting is a solution that justifies itself. No, that is what we should never do again. What we have to do is for now give Ukraine everything they need to end the Russian occupation of Ukraine. Even if that means Ukraine goes onto Russian soil to do it!
     As to putin a quicker and much neater solution for everyone is to do what needs to be done. Whether through Russian dissatisfaction or outside intervention the doing needs to be done. As well putin sympathizers who have been enabling him must be identified and dealt with in a way that stops them from carrying out putin's plan. The time for wringing our hands and worrying over what may come must be ended now. There is only one way to live life and that is with conviction and courage. Life is a hard thing that we try to make better but the genesis of life won't ever change. Life is hard and to continue living is to make hard decisions.
     Those who would just let the killing continue are not worthy of being listened to. They are the worst of what humanity can respond as. What is needed is for all of us to stand firm and tall and say to the bullies and tyrants of the world that you are not allowed to exist on our planet. Our planet is for humans who strive to be the best of humanity and will not suffer the indignant nor uncaring about this principle. That is what we need to do and for Ukraine. They should not have to keep putting up with a deranged, tyrannical, madman who is intent on obliterating them and is totally beneath the respect and dignity we demand for ourselves.

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