Monday, August 15, 2022

(#4943) Ukraine is moving forward in the south

      The middle of August has long been the time for the counter offensive to activate. Well we are in the middle of August and the Ukrainians are moving into Crimea and have about 20,000 Russian troops trapped without help from putin. Just as you knew putin was a piece of shit he gets to prove it by leaving his troops to death or surrender. There is no honor with putin so the quicker he is dealt with the better the world will become. The armaments have been arriving in Ukraine for the last several weeks that will allow Ukraine to finally begin the takeback of their land.
     I know it has been a slog to get to this point but the Ukrainian army has been exceptional keeping their losses down while inflicting punishing daily harm on the invading Russian horde. But now is the time for offensive actions instead of only defensive ones. That Russia could not take any more land and actually lost some from a month ago is heartening and inspiring to know that the Ukrainian forces are that stout and stalwart. So beginning an offensive where the Russians are depleted and demoralized is an encouraging facet for Ukraine in this war crime infested illegal invasion by putin!
     Once the slaughter of the non surrendering Russian troops is accomplished there will be little to stop the Ukrainian march toward securing their own traditional borders. As well putin will be disgraced for causing the wholesale slaughter of his countrymen with no reward for it. In fact the only reward putin should qualify for is a negative one that will end his reign as the madman of the Kremlin. Surely the defeat that is on the horizon for putin will be devastating while the victory for Ukraine in defeating the once mighty, now little, Russian bear will be celebratory in all corners of the freedom loving world.

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