Thursday, August 18, 2022

(#4946) Loose the hounds!

      Now is the time for the ending of the murderous Russian invasion of Ukraine. The pieces are in place for Ukraine to put an end to putin's dream of world domination. Funny how putin and his ego couldn't tame the untamable Ukrainian spirit. So how did he think he could do that and more? I suppose his ego told him that nothing could stop him if he just murdered at will and scared his opponents into submission. Well that murdering and scaring part of his strategy did not work and his troops morale for killing members of their own extended families was also not considered.
     As to the Ukrainians, the will to survive in a free and democratic society was too much for putin to overcome. Especially since the western alliance of NATO was firmly in the corner of the emerging powerhouse Ukraine. The Russian folly of putin's grandiose mind is destroying the fabric of the Russian society but they seem to be okay with their fascist leader. Which is a shame since I had thought they would revolt against him and his war crime methodology. It seems that the Russian people are too afraid of him and instead of standing up for the better and best of human nature they shriveled to his glare and begged him for a by your leave.
     Now the word is given by the allies of Ukraine that the pieces of the victorious Ukrainian campaign are in place so they may go about doing their deed to liberate Ukraine from the illegal occupation of Russia and putin in particular. The get out of our house yell to the Russian invaders is now underway and the force behind that call is immense and strategically efficient. In other words when warned to get out the getting out had better become the priority because the not getting out will end very badly for the non leavers. The coming barrage will leave few survivors so occupying Russians have to ask themselves, is staying in Ukraine worth me dying here?

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