Tuesday, August 30, 2022

(#4958) Stop coddling the republicans!

      I am sick and tired of the people who keep giving republicans the benefit of the doubt. Take for instance kemp in Georgia. He stalls his subpoena to appear before that state's grand jury and is rewarded with only having to testify after the November election. It is all about gamesmanship with republicans not about being truthful to crimes committed. They want power and will never stop delaying, obstructing, and outright bullshitting anyone who would hold them to account. It doesn't matter that an election is 70 days away. There is always going to be an election that is close enough for the republican party to manipulate. We should all follow normal processes and procedures and then let the course of justice prevail.
     The republican party has many crimes to answer for and the sooner we get to those crimes the better off our democracy will be. It doesn't matter about the individual republicans who are caught up in the conspiracies that they themselves perpetrated. No democracy can survive when individuals are given dispensations others cannot employ. Our politicians are not the end all to anything deserving special treatment when the rest of us are subjected to no special privilege. We are not a two class system where one class gets justice and the other doesn't. We all live under the same rule of law. However that understanding is not clear when republican politicians keep getting a higher class of protection from their crimes.
     People can easily be replaced in our government and established bureaucracy. When we don't do that and start to protect certain people more than our democratic principles then that is when we notice that our form of government has changed into one where privilege and advantage are the foundation and not equality and justice. So stop protecting the trumps of the republican party and start protecting the rule of law as it is applied to all of us and not to just most of us. With kemp not testifying before the coming election we the people are being deprived of information that would help make us a more informed electorate. So where is the sense to that unless the sense is to protect the dishonest within the republican party.

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