Saturday, August 6, 2022

(#4934) Big day today

      I have been waiting for today since Thursday, when on the Senate floor, Chuck Schumer on Cspan2, said that at 12 noon eastern time the Senate would gavel back in to begin work on the reconciliation package among other things. Those were magical words to my ears. Then on Friday more magic as Sinema said she would support the overall package. Now we have all 50 democratic caucusing Senators ready to vote Aye on a final package arrived at hopefully before the end of Sunday night. If not Sunday night then sometime Monday. For me the climate provision is huge because it finally means we are officially as a nation going to be turning to alternative energy as our main source of power.
     This will be the beginning of the transition from fossil fuels to wind, solar, wave, and battery domination. Sure the fossil fuel industry will get a boost out of this legislation as well but at this time in our current predicament the need for fossil fuel is somewhat critical. However that will only be for a short period of time and then the transition will have taken hold and start moving us away from the need to have fossil fuel as our main driver of energy. The need for fossil products won't end it will just be curtailed in order to revive the atmosphere of our planet.
     So today for me is like when I was a child and christmas morning had finally arrived. Somewhat giddy and happy to watch as our democratic party does the hard work of getting legislation passed in a very difficult way. The republican party will not allow themselves to be part of this historic moment because they are beholden to the fossil fuel industry and therefore put those profits above the need to save our planet. Don't ask me why they refuse to accept the dangers of destroying our atmosphere with continued fossil fuel use, but just know that they do and in November vote accordingly. Save the planet and join we democrats in doing so or stay with republicans and help them destroy the very air that we breathe to survive. Your choice!

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