Thursday, August 4, 2022

(#4932) I am no warhawk, but I damn sure won't back off from bullies!

      I have been accused of being a warmonger of varying degrees for my stand against putin and xi who to me are an imminent threat to our democracy. Both actively work to undermine our government and try to influence our elections. Besides that they are trying to capture land from democracies that either border them or are in close proximity. Now I am a peace loving soul who wants the whole world to be happy and have opportunities. Yet, there are some in our world who do not share that vision and instead want to rule the world with their own brand of telling me and others what to do with our lives. I won't accept that nor will I condone it.
     So I get my fighting shoes on and stick my fist in the air and tell the world that I am not here to be suppressed nor dominated by bullies who are selfish tyrants. I will engage in war like tactics to stave them off and promote others who share my sense of danger in a currently dangerous world. There are those who would stick their heads in the sand and pretend that everything is okay. Fine but don't get in my way or call me out for embracing the courage to fight the bullies. I live my life as a free human being and that is how I will die if that is the outcome over this. At least I won't have gone down without a fight and instead if we the many prevail in our quest to defend and protect democracy then we will have displayed the same courage that our founders displayed who initially gave us this democracy.
     Let me reiterate, I am no warhawk but when it is time to stop the bullies in the world who are going to take no matter what then I will fight like the warrior I am. I didn't choose to be in a era of bullies but I am so there is only one choice for me. I would rather there be peace and harmony amongst us but until the bullies are displaced with good souls then fighting is what needs to happen. Because bullies only know how to stop if they are actually stopped. No amount of pleading or hoping they will stop will make them stop. Once you understand that bullies are not rational nor kind then you will reach the same conclusion as I whether you like it or not if logic and common sense is your methodology for deciding.

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