Saturday, August 13, 2022

(#4941) All quiet before the dawn

      Dawn is coming to Ukraine. The quiet that is now is in opposition to what is coming. The Ukrainian people are about to unleash their will on the Russian invaders and it won't be a pretty or quiet time. For those in the occupied territories of Ukraine who have not already fled their fate will soon be sealed. An avalanche of warriors is coming their way and they won't be able to stop them. That putin has dwindled his army down by trying to nitpick his advances in Ukraine will come back to haunt him because his troops and armaments have been reduced to a shadow of what he had started with.
     This month of August is when Zelenskyy is poised to send his troops into the fray as a final solution to end the Russian occupation. His war strategists have a plan and it involves the accumulation of western weapons to backfill his awaiting offensive forces. Once the strategy is in place and ready to reclaim Ukrainian territory the order will be given and the end of Russian occupation by force will begin. The Russians have wisely removed most of their family members from the occupied territories because they know some mighty horrific battles will be waged there. What they don't understand is that the Ukrainian people are done with them and will never stop destroying them as long as they are on Ukrainian soil!
     So as the defensive positions of Ukraine are continued to stave off Russian advances a Ukrainian advance is on the threshold of being deployed. The Russians will be on the defensive and their will to fight for Ukrainian soil is much less deep and devoted. They will be overrun and destroyed. Those who see the writing on the wall about their doom will turn tail and run if they want to survive this desperate, failed attempt at genocide by putin and his acolytes in Moscow. Once this Ukrainian retake of it's occupied territories is complete the end of putin is nigh. Which is how this sad chapter of a deranged tyrant should be!

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