Friday, August 19, 2022

(#4947) The future belongs to the brave!

      For all those worry warts who sit around wringing their hands about upsetting tyrants around the world you need to just stop. If you aren't going to help those of us who will never back down from bullies at least stay out of our way! The only way bullies can get anything out of life is for good people to do nothing or cower in the face of their threats. Look to Ukraine right now for an example. the putins of the world thought they could put this mighty army on the Ukrainian border and bluff their way to victory. Even though they had the Ukrainians outnumbered in practically every facet the Ukrainians said no way putin and while you are at it fuck off!
     Fast forward about 6 months and we see a Ukrainian military force about to rout Russia and embarrass their murderous leader for all to see. How did this happen? Easily explained. The Ukrainians refused to be bullied by putin. They stood up to him and forced putin to do his worst while defending against it. Now the shoe is on the other foot with Ukraine getting help from the west in armaments and mobilizing their people to protect their culture and sovereignty. The bully putin is now scrambling to save his own skin and the Russian image as a super power has become a laughingstock of a joke.
     Same here in the United States. The bullies of the far right have been promoting civil war if they don't get their way and those who keep worrying about their threats are not what we need. We need our people to confront those who would bully and then force them to try their foolishness. There is no clean way to avoid a fight when a fight is brought to your doorstep. Stand tall and make the bullies back down and then we will be who we think we are. The future does belong to the brave and no one is immune from having to test their own courage when it comes to living in a democracy where freedom is earned and needs to be defended.

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