Friday, August 26, 2022

(#4954) Approaching 50,000 dead Russian soldiers

      With that many dead Russian young men it is hard for putin to hide the fact that his war in Ukraine is not going well. In fact with all the many more returning injured soldiers the Russian society on whole is getting a much murkier picture that this invasion of Ukraine will be successful. Which may explain the internal Russian dissent increasing their activities to hold putin accountable. With the recent spate of car bombs and ammo dump fires it is clear to those of us on the outside of Russian society that a ticking time bomb is about to explode. Not only does putin need troops for his murderous invasion of Ukraine but now his personal security is becoming an issue.
     Those who bought into the lie that putin fed them about routing nazis in Ukraine and bringing Ukraine into the Russian fold have new information to consider. The world has basically stopped cultural and trade activities with them and although putin blames everyone else for this he cannot keep thinking his web of lies will further resonate. Russia has become a pariah, synonymous with North Korea. The Russian people have got to be wondering just how much more of this they can take. 50,000 dead Russian soldiers, many  more injured and over a million have left Russia for safer borders. The brain drain in Russia is among those million who have left.
     What kind of future can Russia have if putin is allowed to collapse the Russian society down to North Korean levels? How so many Russians could just sit there and do nothing to stop him is my question. Either putin is removed or the body count for Russian soldiers keeps increasing and the reason for it will be the sovereign nation of Ukraine. Because Ukraine will not stop until every Russian is out of Ukraine and then a more in depth reckoning will occur for the nearly 40,000 war crimes that are and were committed under putin and his regime. Better for the Russian people to get out ahead of putin and end his leadership now so that life afterward will be much more manageable.

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