Saturday, February 3, 2024

(#5480) The best things in life are freely given

      It doesn't matter what it is. If you freely give of the better and best of who you are then you improve yourself and those who receive your gift. Happiness is one of the the greatest gifts to receive but you cannot have happiness unless you are prepared to share it. Most everything that is good in life needs to be shared. I have tried and mostly failed at living without happiness and it is not recommended. There is no spontaneous joy nor contentment without being part of something greater than ourselves. We cannot force happiness upon ourselves so we instead must allow for happiness to find us and that requires action beyond our own wants and needs.
     I have recently found happiness and it is because I ventured out to allow myself to be vulnerable. I didn't know what I would find but that is the beauty of the unknown, everything is still possible. In a large portion of my life I had been going about some things incorrectly. I learned that rediscovering myself from my years of trial and error brought me back to the basic person I have always been. Life can be like that to most of us. It tries to shape us into what society needs and doesn't offer enough room for us to remain who we really are. So finding ourselves again and then balancing life to accommodate who we are with what a remarkable society needs us to be should be the goal of all of us.
     It is an example for me to portray that after over 68 years I have found a happiness that has eluded me my whole life. I am so ready to be part of that happiness that it does direct my every move now. Soon I will be in place for my happiness to grow and as it should be in the correct time for it to happen. I didn't force any of this except to take a chance. Not a really desperate nor dangerous chance just one where I felt good enough to try and come what may. It seems that the universe has my back on this one and that is a fit well done. I say that because the alignment of so many things are continuing to fall into place like it was meant to be.

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