Saturday, February 10, 2024

(#5487) American Ukrainian aid is coming...

      I know this is just my opinion but I can now feel it. Previously republicans were being so obstinate about the aid that I could not get a gauge on how or if the aid would be delivered. Now, with all the pressures adding to a breaking of ranks within the republican party I can feel the momentum turning toward delivering the aid through legislation. 17 republican Senators have broken free from the trump induced coma and are now working to get the Ukrainian aid through the Senate. That is the first step. Next comes the House and it's fealty to trump's objection to Ukrainian aid.
     With some Congressional republican representatives in Kyiv right now proclaiming they will get aid to Ukraine I can almost feel a bit settled that the House will vote on the Senate bill when it comes to them sometime next week and push it through despite the trump effect. When I rail against the current form of republicanism it is because most of them have forsaken democracy. Yet not all and we only need a handful of republicans to vote with every democrat to get the bill passed in the House. Once that happens Joe Biden will sign that bill into law and the funds may immediately be released to secure the armaments that Ukraine needs to stop putin and his quest to dominate the world and end democracy.
     Ukraine has been holding on in order for the funds to arrive so that they can stop rationing their defensive and offensive capabilities. This aid along with the newly approved EU aid will make Ukraine a powerful force against the weakened Russian military. That putin is stopped in Ukraine is the only logical step for ending the madman putin and his war criminal ways. The republican party is finally finding out that stalling aid to Ukraine will only make the world worse in the next few years and the aid now is a small price to pay when the future circumstances will be a lot more costly and even grave. I feel the aid is coming and Ukrainian soldiers will not die needlessly because unfortunately republicans are slow to feel their unnecessary loss of life.

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