Monday, February 12, 2024

(#5489) Russian deaths keep mounting in Ukraine

      The number of deaths reported by Ukraine of Russian soldiers that have been killed in the Russian invasion of Ukraine since February 2022 is now at 395,990. The number will exceed 400,000 by the end of this week. I cannot imagine how the parents of these Russian soldiers are dealing with the loss of life at such a devastating rate. These young Russian men are no more and as such will never have had a chance to have families of their own. The whole of Russian society has now a gaping hole in it of this generation. I cannot fathom for the life of me why the Russian people would allow such a travesty as this to continue.
     I often hear that the Russian people are sick and tired of this war that putin and the kremlin are waging against their cousins in Ukraine but to not see some effort to stop this insanity I am left with the thought that the Russian people have resigned their lives to live for putin instead of the other way around. How this one callous man, putin, can command such obedience from what I always thought of the Russian people as independently rugged has been reduced to fearful and afraid. The Russian people are sacrificing their youth for nothing as putin will never take Ukraine. So why don't they stop him from killing more of their children?
     I could live another 100 years and still be baffled by the Russian people and their non care for their children's lives. The coming number of 400,000 dead Russian soldiers is a number that is beyond reason and logic. Are lives so devalued in Russia that now the much younger child adults must be liquidated for the state purpose of gaining nothing? I don't know the formula for ending the putin/kremlin cabal but I know that it must happen if Russia is to survive it's own implosion. Somewhere someone has to make a stand and along with all the rest of civilized Russia put an end to the worst episode of human self destruction I have ever seen or would expect to see. Somehow this fiasco that Russia is causing in ending the lives of it's youngsters must end now!

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