Wednesday, February 21, 2024

(#5498) The republicans and putin must be stopped!

      That this is obvious is of no doubt. With putin murdering Ukrainians daily the need to stop him is overwhelmingly undoubtable. The need to stop republicans is as well as they keep funds from going to Ukraine that would mightily aid in stopping putin. Now you may be puzzled as to why the republican party would want to keep from stopping putin and his ego driven mad rush to control the world. It has to do with both putin and republicans living in the alternative reality where they want power more than they want democracy. Both could have chosen to support democracy and shape policies that benefit all of our societies but neither is dong that. Instead they want to make new rules like tyrants that only support their way of thinking.
     They both disrespect all of our peoples who do not think like them. They are not defenders of freedom and rights for all. So for our American democracy to continue to become more perfect we must stop republicans here in America. All we have to do here is to vote them out of office and let those who choose to improve life for all lead the way. In Russia there is not that choice of fair voting so the fight against Russia is in Ukraine where putin has laid his entire existence on the line. A defeat in Ukraine would spell the end of putin and his cronies in the kremlin. So stopping putin in Ukraine will require we here in America to get the aid package to Ukraine where the bravest soldiers on the planet can put that bravery to effective use.
     The alternative to defeating putin and republicans is a world where tyranny becomes the end game for the greedy and brutish among our species. The end of democracy as a fair and just concept will go into the waste bin and the emergence of forced thought and torture will become our new way of being governed. We have seen what happens to dissent in Russia and already trump has let it be known that he loves that aspect of control. Silencing dissent is what tyrants do and for us to allow such a thing to occur when we already have fought and died for democracy would be a just deserve to us as a punishment for not standing up to the bullies and continually knocking them onto their asses!

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