Tuesday, February 6, 2024

(#5483) The republican party will pay for their making women less than equal and abandoning Ukraine!

      The concerted effort of republicans to get conservative justices on the Supreme Court so they could overturn the law of Roe v. Wade is still fresh in the minds of those of us who saw that as a step backwards for democracy. it was actually more than step backwards it was a not so hidden attempt by republicans to destroy our democracy through devaluing women. The proof is not hard to discern if you would just look at it. With republicans adamant stance of denying promised aid to Ukraine the fledgling democracy in Kyiv is now more uncertain to survive. The republican party knows this yet would act like it isn't that important.
     I cannot stress how devastating the lack of aid to Ukraine is on the brave folks who are fighting with all they have to protect their democracy. So for republicans to turn their backs on Ukraine when the time to help them is at a most critical junction is beyond logically explained. There is no logic that can justify the republican position of uncaring. They are hopeful to let ukraine wither to the forces of the tyrant putin in exchange for what I cannot tell yet but it does not entail keeping our democracy here at home. By denying women the right to control their own bodies republicans have made it clear they do not want democracy for all of us and instead only want privilege for themselves.
     Those of us who see republicans unraveling our own democracy and backstabbing Ukraine's democracy see this happening in real time and we are more than alarmed, we are outraged! Our fellow Americans are not doing what is necessary to keep these anti democracy forces from controlling our governments. The republican party has ceded control of its base to a minority of people who are ready and willing to destroy our constitutional rights of one person one vote. The reason is simple. They refuse to be governed by a majority that they have biased and prejudicial feelings about. The republican party is mostly caucasian and they have it in their unwell minds that those of other races and nationalities are not worthy of being equal to them. For the rest of us we have only one choice left and that is to vote for every democrat on our ballots in this most crucial election cycle.

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