Wednesday, February 7, 2024

(#5484) Put more pressure on House and Senate republicans to pass the border bill!

      If you are a republican voter and are concerned about all the hype you are inundated with then make sure to call your republican leaders and tell them to pass this bill! The only thing that will make republicans change from their fealty to trump is to have their fealty reversed back to you where it belongs. That trump is calling the shots on a subject so volatile to regular republican voters so he can use it as a wedge issue in the coming election for himself is as selfish as it sounds. If trump wanted to help solve the border problem then he would be supporting this legislation that pours resources into the implementation of border security.
     Yet that is not what trump wants. Instead he wants the border to get worse so that he can claim democrats can't fix the problem and he can. Except he has an opportunity to support it now and won't and even worse is getting needed politicians in his republican party to vote down the passage of the bill. Much like when nixon sabotaged the 1968 peace treaty President Johnson tried to conclude with Vietnam so nixon could use the war continuing as an issue in his next election. This type of gamesmanship with life and death issues is beneath contempt and should never be allowed a reward for its nefarious nature. The attached Ukraine aid in the border bill is already stalled from last year and if stalled further more brave Ukrainians will die!
     If republican voters don't come out and tell their representatives to vote for improving the border then what will they tell the representatives to do for them? Now is the time for action so hopefully republican voters will straighten out their representatives or tell them there will be consequences for not getting done the policies they are most concerned about. If republicans tank the border bill how does trump spin that to make it look like democrats tanked the border bill? I am no pundit nor a political junkie but how the blame could be shifted when we all know trump told the republicans to vote the bill down is beyond me. The republicans are in a quandary because if they vote the bill down they own the fact of that despite what trump may think!

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