Tuesday, February 27, 2024

(#5504) Do you get that putin must be stopped in Ukraine?

      The republican party is playing politics with our democracy and that is not in question. What remains in question is whether the republican voter is playing along with them. They are the wild card here. Do the republican voters get that our democracy along with other foreign democracies are at great risk in this moment in time? Will they rise up like the Russian people should rise up and demand that their rights and freedoms be protected? I would have thought as just a normal person that everyone would be for protecting rights and freedoms but with the way republicans are keeping our democracy at risk the idea that some are anti democracy is now a fact.
     I expect there are republican voters who will follow the republican brand right into the slaughterhouse if that is where they lead them. Yet I suspect that many will not do the ridiculous and follow blindly if that entails the loss of their way of life. Like with the Russian people and the loss of over 410,000 thousand young Russian men in Ukraine, the republican voters need a wake up call to remind them that their ignoring of what is happening around them is not sustainable to their interests. There is a lot of propaganda out there that would deny any harm they may experience but the lies of propaganda can only survive if the populace chooses to be ignorant.
     With all the evidence that is getting past the propaganda I would hope that both the Russian people and the republican voter would begin to see the duplicity of putin and republican politicians. There is an honor and duty to protecting democracy that cannot be assuaged by false narratives and deceptive measures. Our core beliefs in a way of life that protects the best of what humans can be is what is now under threat. People like putin and his cohort trump are not what we need in our world as leaders or even opposition voices. They sow discord and death as acceptable means to remain in power and that is what we all should see instead of the propaganda of their words.

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